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Современные технологии в хирургии грыж передней брюшной стенки

Современные технологии в хирургии грыж передней брюшной стенки

В.В. Паршиков, В.В. Петров, В.А. Ходак, А.А. Самсонов, Р.В. Романов, В.П. Градусов, А.Б. Бабурин
Ключевые слова: atensive plasty, herniology, non-intentional plasty, endoprosthesis, polypropylene, supraaponeurotic, subaponeurotic, intraperitoneal, seroma, rete.
2009, номер 1, стр. 32.

Полный текст статьи


The aim of work is a study of the non-intentional plasty possibility depending on material, a method of endoprosthesis fixation, the patient age, a clinical situation.

Materials and Methods. 1081 operations on occasion of hernias have been made since 2002 to 2009 in the MTPI ″City hospital N 35″; 665 operations — with a use of endoprostheses from polypropylene and reperene. The Liechtenstein’s method, a herniosystem implantation, was used in patients with inguinal hernias. The inlay, sublay, onlay, sutureless plasty methods are used at postoperative hernias. A life quality of patients was assessed with a use of the MOS SF-36 questionnaire.

Results and discussion. It is established during analysis of the reperene (n=68) and polypropylene (n=240) use results at inguinal hernias, that the infiltrates are twice frequently observed (5,8%) at a polypropylene use, than in cases of a reperene use (2.9%; p=0.13). A reperene plasty at the ventral hernias (n=22) doesn’t lead to suppurations and infiltrates; a suppuration was developed in 4 patients ((1.47%; p=0.02) at a polypropylene use (n=273), an infiltrate — in 10 patients (3.66%; p=0,0007). A non-intentional plasty use at the strangulated hernias decreases a number of systemic complications (from 17.65 to 5.95%; p=0,02) and lethality (from 11,76 to 3,57%; p=0,04). A number of purulent wound complications is not trustworthy increased. A postoperative wound suppuration is developed in 1,47% of cases at the local tissue use, in 1,53% — at alloplasty, p=0,49. There were no complications and lethality (p<0,01) at the sutureless methods of plasty use. A reperene use at inguinal hernias decreases a chronic pain syndrome from 33 to 20% (p<0,01).

Conclusion. The reticular endoprosthesis use doesn’t increase a rate of purulent complications. A non-intentional plasty decreases a number of syatemic complications and hospital lethality and is a selection method at strangulated hernias. Both polypropylene and reperene can be used as the endoprosthesis materials. The trustworthy higher values of a life quality are observed after a reperene plasty at inguinal hernias.

Parshickov V.V., Petrov V.V., Khodak V.A., Samsonov A.A., Romanov R.V., Gradusov V.P., Baburin A.B. Modern Technologies in Surgery of the Anterior Abdominal Wall Hernias. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2009; (1): 32

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