Роль метода экстракапсулярной факоэмульсификации в оперативном лечении возрастной и осложненной патологии хрусталика
The collaborators of the NNSMA ocular disease clinic have made more than 10 000 operations of the extracapsular phacoemulsification with the artificial lens implantation at cataracts of the different degrees of opacity and a density of 1—5 since November 1995.
A flow of operation and postoperative period in more than 95% of cases was uncomplicated. In 80% of cases the operation was terminated with a soft artificial lens implantation. A high stable visual acuity — 0.4—1.0 (with correction or without it) is marked in 90% of patients. The indications and contraindications of the extracapsular phacoemulsification method use are regarded. An original universal model of artificial lens, used for correction of a visual acuity in complicated and uncomplicated cases, is elaborated.