Сегодня: 15.02.2025
Последнее обновление: 27.12.2024
Особенности нарушений липидного обмена и их коррекция препаратом фосфоглив при хроническом гепатите С

Особенности нарушений липидного обмена и их коррекция препаратом фосфоглив при хроническом гепатите С

И.Г. Ситников, А.В. Рыжкина, М.С. Бохонов
Ключевые слова: chronic hepatitis C, lipid metabolism, correction.
2009, номер 1, стр. 54.

Полный текст статьи


The aim of investigation is a study of the phosphogliv preparation hepatoprotective effect mechanisms at a model of experimental chronic hepatitis and assessment of the preparation therapeutic effectiveness at a monotherapy in patients during a chronic hepatitis C acute attack.

Materials and Methods. A simulation of a chronic tetrachloromethane hepatitis was accomplished on rats according to the generally-accepted method. The biochemical investigations of blood and liver, a histomorphology of the liver tissue were made. A clinical part of work included examination of 68 patients with a chronic hepatitis C. A diagnosis was verified by standard methods. A clinical examination, USI of the liver and biliferous ducts were accomplished. An activity of transaminases, the values of precipitated albuminous tests, the concentrations of bilirubin, glucose, triglycerides, a general cholesterol, a cholesterol of lipoproteins of a high, low and very low density, the concentrations of the non-etherified (free) fatty acids were detected in a blood serum.

Results. A good hepatoprotective activity of the phosphogliv preparation, preventing the destruction and metabolic disturbance development in the liver, improving the synthetic and reparation processes, is revealed according to the experiment data. A clinical investigation has confirmed a necessity of the lipid metabolism disturbance correction in patients with a chronic hepatitis C for effective treatment and a disease prognosis improvement. A phosphogliv preparation as a means of etiopathogenetic effect is recommended with that purpose.

Sitnickov I.G., Ryzhkina A.V., Bokhonov M.S. Peculiarities of the Lipid Metabolism Disturbances and Their Correction with a Phosphogliv Preparation at a Chronic Hepatitis C. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2009; (1): 54

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