Сегодня: 15.02.2025
Последнее обновление: 27.12.2024
Опыт применения операции TVT-O в лечении стрессового недержания мочи у женщин

Опыт применения операции TVT-O в лечении стрессового недержания мочи у женщин

В.А. Атдуев, Г.А. Березкина, А.В. Семенычев, А.А. Данилов, А.Б. Строганов, К.В. Березин, М.В. Хазов
Ключевые слова: stress urinary incontinence, TVT-O operation.
2009, номер 1, стр. 63.

Полный текст статьи


The aim of investigation is a study of the stress urinary incontinence treatment results in females with a use of the TVT-O method. Just the given operation best corrugates the basic reasons of a stress urinary incontinence — a pathologic mobility of the urethrovesical angle, insufficiency of the external sphincter of urethra and weakness of a pelvic musculofascial fastening as well.

Materials and Methods. Despite a sufficiently large number of the presently elaborated operations on a surgical correction of a stress urinary incontinence a retrograde method of the TVT-O operation is successfully used in our clinic. 37 patients had been operated from May 2006 to November 2008 on occasion of a stress urinary incontinence with a use of the TVT-O retrograde method. The average age of patients was 48 years (from 33 to 72 years).

Results and discussion. The authors have managed to receive the positive results in 91.9% of observations with a use of the given technique of operation. It testifies to the fact, that the TVT-O method is a really low-invasive, safe and sufficiently effective method of a stress urinary incontinence surgical correction in females. Such operations favor a rapid rehabilitation of patients in the active able-bodied age, which permits them to preserve a social activity, occupational fitness and significantly improve a life quality as well.

Atduev V.A., Beryozkina G.A., Semyonychev A.V., Danilov A.A., Stroganov A.B., Berezin K.V., Khazov M.V. Experience of the TVT-O Operations Use in Treatment of a Stress Urinary Incontinence in Females. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2009; (1): 63

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