Today: Feb 10, 2025
Last update: Dec 27, 2024



MD, DSc, Professor

Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation

Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Government



Education – Gorky Medical Institute named after S.M. Kirov

Specialty – General Medicine

Subject of doctoral thesis – Radiodiagnosis of compound congenital cardiac septa malformations

Scientific degree – Doctor of Medical Science (1988)

Title – Professor (1991)

Position – Head of the Department of Radiodiagnosis, Postgraduate Faculty, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy



Roentgeno-endovascular methods of diagnosis and treatment

Radiological pulmonology

Radiological urology


One of the founders of a new direction in medicine – interventional radiology, it enables to treat patients with cardiac anomalies and vascular diseases using interventional radiological minimally invasive techniques

He is one of the first in Russia who has performed balloon angioplasty of coronary and peripheral arteries, dilatation of cardiac valve stenoses, and vascular embolization

For the first time in the worldwide medical practice, he has developed the technique of left ventricular decompression in inoperable patients with aortic stenosis and valvular calcification

Under his supervision there have been successfully performed the researches on hyperthermia application in breast cancer treatment featured in International exhibition in Brussels (1997) and picked up a Gold Medal. Currently, cellular neuro-technologies, malignancy imaging methods, and nanotechnological diagnostic techniques are being developed


Honoured Worker of Science of Russian Federation

Education prize winner of Russian Federation Government (2011)

Nizhny Novgorod prize winner (1993, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2012)

I.P. Pavlov Silver Medal “For achievements in medicine and public health”

Medal of W.C. Roentgen of European Academy of natural sciences, Hannover, “For Distinguished Service in Researches”

A founder of Nizhny Novgorod scientific school of interventional radiologists


Member of council of Russian Radiologists Association and Russian X-ray Surgeons Association

Member of Interservice Council of Ministry of Health and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, subdivisions: “Cardiovascular surgery” and “Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy”

Takes an active part in social campaign for nation health headed by L.А. Bokeria, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences

Chairman of Nizhny Novgorod division of Nation Health League

Fellow of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Fellow of Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences

Member of Editorial Board of leading Russian journals: “Roentgenology and Radiology Review”, “Medical Imaging”, “International Journal of Interventional Cardiology”


Shakhov B.E., Chebotar E.V., Ryazhskikh A.I., Shumakov I.V., Nagaev R.Y. Indications for contralateral opacification application in the context of antegrade recanalization of coronary chronic total occlusions (CTO). Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology 2017; 7(3): 69–82,

Krasnikova О.V., Petrova I.А., Nemirova S.V., Medvedev А.P., Shakhov B.Е., Gordetsov А.S. Monitoring of myocardial energy metabolism as an early marker of life threatening conditions. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2017; 9(1): 149–155,

Shakhov B.E., Shakhov E.B., Petrova E.B., Sharabrin E.G., Chebotar E.V. A case of successful use of percutaneous temporary occlusion of the heart venous sinus in patient with acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation in the absence of hemodynamically significant atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries. Kreativnaya khirurgiya i onkologiya 2017; 7(1): 48–53,

Shakhov E.B., Shakhov B.E., Petrova E.B., Sharabrin E.G. Method for the determination of the consecution of coronary blood flow restoration in patients with acute coronary syndrome and multivessel coronary disease. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology 2016; 45: 7–14.

Shakhov E.B., Shakhov B.E., Volkov D.V., Petrov D.V., Novikov A.S. Comparative evaluation of basic functional indicators of myocardium of the left ventricle in the case of patients having acute coronary syndrome after endovascular correction under conditions of assist blood circulation. Medicinskij al'manah 2016; 1(41): 131–134,

Shakhov E.B., Shakhov B.E., Petrova E.B. Revascularization strategy definition in acute coronary syndrome in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. Diagnosticheskaya i interventsionnaya radiologiya 2016; 10(4): 43–50.

Gubarkova E.V., Dudenkova V.V., Feldchtein F.I., Timofeeva L.B., Kiseleva E.B., Kuznetsov S.S., Shakhov B.E., Vitkin A., Gladkova N.D., Moiseev A.A., Gelikonov V.M., Gelikonov G.V. Multi-modal optical imaging characterization of atherosclerotic plaques. Journal of Biophotonics 2016; 9(10): 1009–1020,

Shakhov B.Е., Shakhov Е.B., Petrov D.V., Volkov D.V., Novikov А.S., Nikolskiy А.V., Kosonogov К.А. The intermittent percutaneous occlusion of the coronary sinus in a patient with ST­elevation acute coronary syndrome without hemodynamically significant atherosclerotic coronary lesions (a clinical case). International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology 2015; 41: 7–14.

Shakhov E.B., Petrov D.V., Volkov D.V., Novikov А.S., Kosonogov К.А., Timoschenko E.S., Petrova E.B., Shakhov B.E. The efficacy of retrograde myocardial perfusion in endovascular correction of severe anterior coronary circulation disorders in patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(4): 68–77.

Petrova E.B., Fedorova M.V., Shakhov B.E. Characteristics of left ventricular impaired functional indices in patients with coronary heart disease according to visual estimation and velocity vector imaging. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(3): 36–44.

Ivanov L.N., Petrenko V.G., Katynov V.V., Yurasova E.V., Shakhov B.Е., Medvedev А.P., Maksimov А.L., Loginov О.Е. A new technique of graphic representation of myocardial reserve and responsiveness of peripheral arteries when choosing the surgical approach in patients with multifocal atherosclerosis. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(2): 53–59.

Chebotar E.V., Britvina O.V., Shakhov B.E. A new approach to the assessment of the results of endovascular correction of coronary artery bifurcation. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; 2: 45–50.

Sharabrin E.G., Shakhov E.B., Deryabin R.A., Blinov P.А., Shakhov B.E. The first experience of targeted catheter atherectomy in femoral arterial occlusive disease. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; 1: 144–146.

Shakhov E.B., Sharabrin E.G., Shakhova E.B., Monich V.А., Lyutov S.I., Gordienko T.V., Shakhov B.E. Correlation of functional values of left ventricular myocardium and the data of subjective state of patients with chronic coronary occlusion.Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; 1: 39–43.

Chebotar E.V., Shakhov B.E., Kazakovtsev A.V., Kuzmenko E.A., Zakrevsky А.V., Britvina О.V. The effect of interventional correction on the configuration of bifurcations of coronary arteries. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology 2011; 24: 124–125.

Chebotar E.V., Shakhov B.E. Variation of angles between the branches of coronary bifurcations during interventional correction. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; 3: 7–10.

Shakhov B.E., Chebotar E.V., Kazakovtsev A.V., Kuzmenko E.A., Zakrevsky А.V., Britvina О.V., Shakhova E.B. The efficiency of using drug-coated stents in “simple” and “complex” correction of the bifurcation of left coronary arterial trunk. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology 2010; 21: 11–16.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Shakhov E.B., Blinov P.А., Shakhova E.B., Chebotar E.V. Comparative outcomes of the strategy of complete and partial endovascular revascularization in multivascular chronically occlusive and stenotic involvement of coronary arteries. Diagnosticheskaya i interventsionnaya radiologiya 2009; 3(2): 39–45.

Shakhov B.E., Shakhova E.B., Sharabrin E.G., Shakhov E.B. The estimation of myocardial revascularization degree in patients with coronary heart disease. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology 2008; 16: 31–33.

Sharabrin E.G., Shakhov B.E., Blinov P.А., Tyurina T.Y., Filippov Y.N., Penin S.V. Urgent aortic catheter balloon valvuloplasty. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology 2008; 14: 97–98.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Filonenko G.S., Blinov P.А., Shakhova E.B., Chebotar E.V. The efficiency of palliative X-ray surgical interventions in chronic coronary occlusions. Medicinskij al'manah 2008; 2: 122–124.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Rybinsky А.D., Kuvarina G.S., Tyurina T.Y., Shakhanova G.N. Echocardiographic morphology of aortic coarctation. Diagnosticheskaya i interventsionnaya radiologiya 2007; 1(3): 15–19.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Rybinsky А.D., Kuvarina G.S., Tyurina T.Y., Shakhanova G.N., Yurasova E.V. To the study of informativity of ultrasound measurement techniques of systolic pressure gradient before and after aortic coarction correction. Diagnosticheskaya i interventsionnaya radiologiya 2007; 1(1): 32–35.

Gladkova N.D., Shakhova N.M., Shakhov B.E., Snopova L.B. Optic coherent tomography: a new high-resolution technology of visualization of tissue structures. Communication II. Optical images of benign and malignant entities. Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii 2004; 2: 44–54.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Rybinsky А.D. Modern assessment principles of angiomorphology of aortic coarctation.Grudnaa i serdecno-sosudistaa hirurgia2004; 2: 41–44.

Shakhov B.E., Safonov D.V. The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer. Grudnaa i serdecno-sosudistaa hirurgia 2003; 4: 70–74.

Shakhov B.E., Chebotar E.V., Konopleva Y.Y., Kazakovtsev A.V., Vostryakov S.А. The method of complex endovascular correction in the treatment of patients with widespread atherosclerosis of coronary arteries. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology 2003; 2: 46–50.

Gladkova N.D., Shakhova N.M., Shakhov B.E., Gelikonov G.V. Optic coherent tomography: a new high-resolution technology of visualization of tissue structures. Communication I. Principle of the technique. Objects of OCT applications and technical decisions for their study. Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii 2002; 2: 39–47.

Hofbeck M., Buheitel G., Singer H., Bartolomaeus G., Kienast W., Esser R., Grävinghoff L., Michel-Behnke I., Schranz D., Scharabrine E.G., Shakhov B.E., Schmaltz A.A., Hoffmann W., Lindinger A. Safety and efficacy of interventional occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus with detachable coils: a multicentre experience. European Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 159(5): 0331–0337.

Schmaltz A.A., Neudorf U., Shakhov B.E., Scharabrine E.G., Tuerina T.J. Patent ductus arteriosus occlusion by detectable spring coils: successful German–Russian cooperation. European Heart Journal 1997; 18(9): 1514.

Monich V.A., Shakhov B.E., Vorob’ev A.V. Effect of low-intensity luminescence on reparative processes in skin wounds in the rat. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 1994; 117(6): 674–675.


Shakhov B.E., Medvedev A.P., Pichugin V.V., Melnikov N.J., Loginov O.E., Antonets M.V. Method for surgical management of acute thromboembolia of pulmonary artery. Patent RU 2447904. 2012.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Blinov P.A., Shakhova E.B., Shakhov E.B. Method of pre-operation examination of patient with pathology of coronary vessels. Patent RU 2361518. 2009.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Rybinsky А.D., Kuvarina G.S., Tyurina T.Y., Shakhanova G.N., Filippov Y.N., Bobkov А.А. Ultrasound diagnosis technique of aortic coarctation. Patent for invention RU 2244512. 2003.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Filippov Y.N., Rybinsky А.D., Bobkov А.А., Tyurina T.Y., Kuvarina G.S., Shakhanova G.N., Blinov P.А. Diagnostic technique of isolated aortic coarctation and the way of its management choosing. Patent RU 2244510. 2002.

Shakhov B.E., Sharabrin E.G., Tyurina T.Y. The technique of angiographic determination of open ductus arteriosus type. Patent RU 2153289. 1999.

Belousov E.L., Dolotov B.К., Shkarin V.V., Kharchenko V.P., Napalkov А.N., Savin Y.I., Pankotianov А.I., Chelnokov V.B., Shakhov B.E., Torgushina N.S., Emelianov S.А. The agent for increasing conductance of biological tissues in local hyperthermia of neoplasms (variants). Patent RU 2132186. 1999.

Plotnikov Y.F., Shakhov B.E. Radiological technique of spinal examination. Patent RU 2152754. 1999.

Shakhov B.E., Belousov Y.V., Safonov D.V. The technique of determining intra- or extrapulmonary localization of thoracic parietal masses. Patent RU 2150890. 1999.

Shakhov B.E., Filippov Y.N., Sharabrin E.G., Tyurina Т.Y., Shirokova О.R. The device for retrograde left ventricular catheterization in patients with extreme risk of aortic stenosis. Patent RU 2108119. 1998.

Shakhov B.E., Filippov Y.N., Sharabrin E.G., Tyurina Т.Y., Shirokova О.R. The estimation method of recovery degree of left ventricular myocardium in patients with aortic stenosis of extreme severity after catheter balloon valvuloplasty. Patent RU 2159579. 1997.

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